The Chatham County Board of Commissioner's Vision, Mission, and Priorities were defined during the Board's strategic planning sessions in early 2019 after review and consideration of local health and human service indicators, an array of community forums and thoughtful discussion. The Board hosts community forums and district conversations to ensure the priorities continue to align to the needs of the residents, supported by data.

The mission of Chatham County Government is to protect and serve the public and provide essential services to improve the quality of life.
To make Chatham County Georgia the best place to live, work and play.
Department Overview
The Strategic Planning Department serves as a resource to county management by working with and across all departments to create plans with deliverable, measurable objectives and maintains an environment to drive progress in which the county's expressed priorities and desired goals have the highest likelihood of being met. The department utilizes a variety of assessment tools to identify opportunities for community improvement and recommend solutions to critical issues. The Strategic Planning Department operates at the request of leadership, providing services and support designed to help plan and implement change, with the intent to improve not only the quality of the county's internal workforce but also to enhance community well-being for all Chatham County residents.
Since the Chatham Community Blueprint was released in 2015, the Board of Commissioners and county leadership staff have worked to align with the recommended vision and goals. The department provides operational leadership to support partnership and innovative collaboration between internal departments and external stakeholders for alignment to the Blueprint where possible. The goals of the Chatham County Strategic Planning Department include, but are not limited to, promotion of cross-sector input and involvement, investigation of diverse funding opportunities, creation and production of effective and efficient programming, working in partnership with other organizations for future planning and implementation to ensure community needs are met.
Board of Commissioners Priorities
Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless 2024 Point-In-Time Count Report
- The Point In Time Count is a HUD (Housing and Urban Development) required count of all people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness in a community. The P.I.T Count this year was on January 25th and was lead by Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless.
- Published: 07/24/2024
- View PDF
Chatham County Blueprint
- Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition - Chatham County Blueprint, presented to the Board of Commissioners 10/04/15
- Published: 02/02/2023
- View PDF
Strategic Initiatives
Mental/Behavioral Health Resources
Homelessness & Housing
Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition & Chatham Community Blueprint
Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition (CGIC) was awarded a contract with Chatham County Board of Commissioners in 2014 to develop a community-wide plan known as the Chatham Community Blueprint. The Blueprint was created through intense community engagement and prioritization that included citizen input at all levels. In December 2015, the Blueprint was presented to the Board of Commissioners.
The state of Georgia provides allocations in 159 Georgia counties through the Georgia Family Connection Partnership (GFCP), a non-profit corporation. GFCP is a statewide organization that “disentangles the mess of barriers, service gaps, and inefficiencies obscuring progress and positive community outcomes”. GFCP focus is collaboration to improve outcomes for local families and children in the areas of health, school readiness and success, self-sufficient and productive families, and thriving communities. Collaboration partners include local governments and non-profit entities.
The Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition (CGIC) is the designated Georgia Family Connection Collaborative for
Chatham County. Any funds provided by GFCP will be for the benefit of CGIC in carrying out its responsibilities
as a collaborative.
The collaborative is responsible for maintaining community level indicators and reporting back on an annual
basis through status report on progress and challenges.
Blueprint as released in 2015:
Recent Status Update:
Intergovernmental Coordination
Service Delivery Strategies (SDSs) - An SDS is a document that details which cities within Chatham County provide what public services and how those services are funded. Georgia's Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Office of Planning reviews these documents to ensure that they contain all the components required by statute.
Without a Service Delivery Strategy verified by DCA to comply with applicable requirements, a local government is ineligible to receive any state permits or financial assistance. In addition, any local projects that are not consistent with the strategy will not receive any state permits or financial assistance. Periodic updates of a service delivery strategy is required in order to retain eligibility for various programs. You can find Chatham County's Service Delivery Strategy documents on the State's website here: Chatham County - Service Delivery Strategy | Georgia Department of Community Affairs (
Blueprint Implementation Grants
Since 2018, Chatham County has solicited applications for investment in programs that address a data driven need; intended to support non-mandated programming and initiatives that directly align with the Chatham Community Blueprint and the priorities of the Chatham County Board of Commissioners. Now in its 8th year, the FY26 Blueprint Implementation Grant application will be accessible beginning December 6, 2024.
FY25 Implementation Grant Awardees are Listed above.
FY26 Implementation Grant Solicitation
This year, we are thrilled to announce that the City, the County, and the United Way of the Coastal Empire (UWCE) have entered into an agreement with WizeHive’s grant software management system. This collaborative effort marks a significant milestone in our commitment to streamline the grant application process and reduce administrative burdens for our nonprofit partners. With this new platform, we are excited to introduce the Unified Grant Application initiative, designed to make applying for grants easier and more efficient. The application will be rolled out in phases, starting with the County’s Blueprint Implementation Grant cycle in December 2024, followed by the City in June 2025, and culminating with UWCE in January 2026.
Interested organizations and units of government can access WizeHive with the link provided below and begin their organizational profile through the online portal. A Screening and Pre-Application will be available starting December 6th, 2024 and the Pre-Application will close by December 20, 2024. Selected programs and projects will be invited near or around January 10, 2025 to complete the full application.
Chatham County funds will be used to support organizations that address a data driven need of Chatham County residents. Organizations possessing the capacity and demonstrating the ability to perform the scope of services contained in their applications are eligible to apply. Successful applicants will provide a description of programming which aligns with the Chatham Community Blueprint and the stated priorities of the Board of Commissioners. Complete transparency is expected with revenues, expenditures, and proposed use of funds. Only organizations that submit a completed application by the deadline will be eligible.
Applications for invited eligible programs will be reviewed and competitively scored by a review committee consisting of county staff and representatives from key stakeholder organizations. Evaluation of each proposal will include return on investment and financial sustainability. The programmatic impact of each application will be evaluated to ensure that the deliverable, measurable objectives, and outcomes will effectively meet the County’s strategic priorities. The review committee will score and rank the applicant’s ability to deliver the intended results and will make funding recommendations.
Completed FY26 applications are due by midnight on February 17, 2025, and must be submitted via the online portal with all required attachments and worksheets. Funding recommendations will be presented to the Board of Commissioners by the County Manger as part of the annual budget process. Final funding decisions will be made by the Board of Commissioners as part of their adoption of the County Annual Budget in June. Awards may vary in amount and are subject to budget constraints. Awards will require execution of a one-year service contract with Chatham County with a defined set of deliverables and outcomes that align with the priorities of the Chatham Community Blueprint.
Portal for the FY26 Blueprint Pre-Application: County Standards of Excellence
As a counterpart of the Board's strategic planning work, the County Manager and Executive Team began developing the County's internal Standards of Excellence for staff in consideration of the Chatham Community Blueprint: the Vision, Mission, and Priorities as well as input from the Executive Team, guided by the assessment completed by Internal Audit.
CORE Values
- Honestly through Integrity
- Safety with Justice
- Stewardship promoting Transparency
- Efficiency with Effectiveness
- Pride increasing Respect
- Teamwork producing Achievement
Promote Public Health, Safety, and Well-Being Enhance safety and quality of life through improving infrastructure, maintaining relationships with community partners and maximizing resources. -
Practice Exemplary Stewardship Being responsible and transparent with county funding, while maintaining embracing technology solutions to improve and streamline internal processes. -
Deliver Quality Customer Service Develop trust by delivering expected levels of service and over clear, transparent communication. -
Provide a Superior Work Environment Foster a work culture that recognizes and rewards employee performance, offering career advancement and competitive benefits.
Program Contact
Tara JenningsDirector of Policy & Intergovernmental Affairs
Strategic Planning
(912) 652-7954