On the evening of Sunday, August 11th, Chatham County and the City of Savannah along with other municipalities mounted a coordinated effort to build a temporary road in just one night to provide some relief to a large neighborhood isolated by flood waters from Tropical Storm Debby. 

A considerate landowner offered the temporary use of private property for the construction of a road to provide access and egress for Bradley Point neighborhood.  Teams from cities and county together leapt into action to make the road a reality without delay.  Chatham County Public Works leadership gladly contributed resources to support this joint undertaking, saying, “They called, and we were ready and willing to assist.  We brought over materials late last night.” 

Members of the Storm Water and the Solid Waste teams from Chatham County Public Works were called in from home to get equipment and material out there to complete the task.  Over the hours of 7:30pm to 1:30am, five tandem truckloads of Graded Aggregate Base materials, roughly 155 tons, were loaded and transported. 

The new temporary road connecting Bradley Blvd with Waycross Road may come and go with the storm waters, but the cooperative efforts to serve our community are a sign of something more lasting.  As CEMA Director Dennis Jones said, “A response takes a lot of people.  It takes hundreds of people and different agencies.  The level of thanks that goes out to everyone who has supported Chatham County, City of Savannah, and all the other municipalities is just unprecedented.  There is no way we can list everybody. . . but it truly takes a community to ensure that we’re maximizing our response and our recovery efforts.”


Pictured are L-R are Fernando Stevens - Equipment Operator III (Solid Waste), Marquis Jackson - Equipment Operator III (Solid Waste) , Darrell Graham - Assistant Superintendent (Solid Waste), Chris Jones - Equipment Operator III (Solid Waste), and Arthur Walthour - Equipment Operator IV (StormWater). Not pictured but also a part of Team Chatham’s response is Adrienne Derien Roach – Storm Water Technician (Storm Water).